我在网吧上网打这份报告时,“泰办处”派人在我身边吵闹, 所以这份报告当时没能打完,之后“泰办处” 在我住处周围的网吧全安装了阻止我打中国字的程序, 所以上次发的是一份没打完的报告。
这份报告发出后,“泰办处”竟然更恶毒的用狗咬我, 派更多的人对我咳嗽,并在我上网的网吧电脑上安装窃密软件, 卑鄙无耻的阻止我发表这份报告。
在我周围所有跟我经常交往的人,全受“泰办处”操控,大部分人 在“泰办处”的操控下已害过我或对我一副假面具,我已完全没有了 跟人自然交往的环境。就是这样“泰办处”还要把我经常找他们说话 的多人调走,然后诽谤我不跟人说话,并用上他们的强盗逻辑(“ 泰办处”撬开我家房门,盗走了我的钱和手机就是强盗)和联合国难 民署的大量金钱,二年多来欺骗收买了几千人对我咳嗽喷唾沫。 报 告
联合国难民署的申难手册上明文规定,“优先保障正逃离迫害的难民 ”。我不但是正逃离迫害,并且是正遭受迫害, 这次出国申难已遭到中共四次谋害。可我到泰国申难的时间已超过二 年半,不但仍不能去美国实施我伟大的计划,反而遭到联合国难民署 泰国办事处的长期谋害。
我揭露了,中国独裁者江泽民实际掌握着国家大权, 确操控着胡锦涛、温家宝、习近平、 李克强这些走狗戏子在前台表演欺骗世人的真相(见《世界大同—— 建党号召书》),中共害怕世人知道真相,想让世人认为我是疯狗乱 咬中共,对中共喷唾沫。我认为绝对是中共收买“泰办处” 的官员在谋杀我!
我一到泰国就感到“泰办处”的一些行为不对头, 所以在2014年4月8日就给你们写信反映过有关问题, 可是反映后反而“泰办处” 对我进行谋害的事情越来越多越来越严重。这二年多来“泰办处” 打着对难民进行资格鉴定的旗号, 对我进行谋害的事情三天三夜说不完, 下面我举三件直接就可以害死人的事例。
我一个人到泰国申难,不但钱紧缺,而且我不懂泰语和英语, 生了病不方便看病,很可能小病拖成大病危及生命。 从2014年12月起“泰办处”竟然指使大批的人对着我咳嗽, 我坐着吃饭时派人坐在我身边长时间对着我咳嗽和派人装着从我身边 走过对着我咳嗽,有时一天七八个人对着我咳嗽, 更恶劣的是他们故意找一些有严重疾病的人对我喷唾沫传播疾病。
2015年6月7日下午1点,在我住处附近的餐厅里, 我刚吃完饭坐在餐厅里,看到一个长的非常胖, 一看就是有严重疾病的男胖子从我身边走过, 几分钟后胖子转回来就对着我咳嗽。 我不论到哪里都有大批的人跟踪监视,在餐厅里“泰办处” 在我前后左右都放有针孔式摄像机和手机式摄像机进行偷摄偷录, 视频音频传到附近四部手提电脑里, 通过电脑视频监视我的人看到我看胖子的表情后就通知在场的人, 在场的人一打联合国难民署的招牌,二用金钱收买, 要胖子转回来对着我咳嗽。 我经历他们用这种方式指挥行动的事很多。
我两次被传染了流感,人头昏浑身没有一点力气非常难受( 有可能会导致严重的并发症), 可他们频繁的对我咳嗽的行为丝毫没有减停, 这种派大批的人对我经常性的咳嗽,一咳就是一年多时间, 不但严重损害了我身体健康,还严重威胁到我生命安全。
我工作单位的职工被小狗咬了,当时就去医院打了狂犬病疫苗, 可是还是得了狂犬病。送进医院时医生说:“狂犬病决症, 送进来的人没有一个活过第七天。”结果果真在第七天死了。
狗,特别是小狗靠近人时会用鼻子在人腿脚上吻, 舌头在人腿脚上舔,如果你腿脚上有破损的伤口, 狗的唾液口水进入了伤口可能会得狂犬病(狗爱用舌头舔鼻子)。 泰国天气很热,我一年四季都穿短裤赤脚穿人字型泡沫底拖鞋, 这里很多原因导致了我腿脚上经常有破损的伤口。 有一次一只小狗靠的离我太近我就走开了,这一镜头被“泰办处” 每天监视我的人摄下来后,他们全都认为我避小狗是不正常的问题, 我们这里到处都是流浪狗,可他们嫌这些流浪狗不咬人, 专门去找来咬人的小狗。
在我租住房的宿舍楼一楼5号房住着一户人家,母亲大概38岁, 大女儿大概17岁,小女儿大概12岁,都长的很好看。 2015年年初“泰办处”曾用金钱收买母女三人, 并分别设计安排母女三人用她们的私密处引诱过我。
2015年10月的一天晩上,“泰办处”再次收买其母女, 安排母女(小女儿)两人抱着他们专门找来咬人的小狗, 坐在我们宿舍楼门前的台阶上,装着乘凉等我回来。 从马路走进我们宿舍楼有一米高的台阶,有几步阶梯上到台阶上。 晚上我回家幸亏当时我走的慢没有完全上到台阶上, 突然一只狗从我右边冲过来咬人,一直冲到阶梯边, 因为阶梯边有道坎,我才侥幸没被咬到。 事后他们要认识我的人拿狗咬人的手机视频给我看, 我还提醒过他们,“狗咬到人,人会得狂犬病的。”
2016年3月2日晚上10点,“泰办处”再次安排母女三人, 还是带着这只咬人的小狗坐在我们宿舍楼门前的台阶上, 装着乘凉等我回来。这次我从外面回来已走上了台阶, 突然一只狗从我右后方猛冲过来,发出那种撕咬人的声音, 我连回头看的时间都没有,右脚快速抬起, 我的右脚都感到了狗冲过来咬人形成的风, 如果我右脚不快速抬起很可能就被咬到。这次狗还被牵着绳线, 但是绳线不但放的很长,而且要12岁的小女儿未成年人拿着。
这根满是血迹的竹签不但绝对是“泰办处”故意插的, 而且根据这段时间“泰办处” 故意在我逗留的地方丢放带狗唾液口水竹签的情况看, 这一插竹签的计划不但很多人都参入了, 并且插的这根满是血迹的竹签很可能就是带狗唾液口水的竹签。
这件事之后一直到现在, 在我每天走的小路上经常看到有很多这种烤肉串的竹签, 有的明显是被狗嚼乱了的, 有时看到狗在路中间吃这种竹签穿的烤肉串, 这种情况以前从未有过。2016年5月17日上午8点, 我吃完早饭回家,正在上我们宿舍楼门前的阶梯, 突然发现一根25厘米长的竹签斜插在阶梯上, 竹签的一头翘起离路面15厘米高,正对着我脚。根据“泰办处” 事隔5个月后再次用咬人的狗咬人,派大批的人对我经常性的咳嗽, 一咳就是一年多时间的情况看,这些竹签不但肯定是“泰办处” 故意插放的,而且“泰办处” 今后一定还会继续在我走的路上插放这类竹签。
我认为,“泰办处” 长期对我使用以上直接就可以害死人的方法进行难民资格鉴定, 就是在找借口谋杀!或者,“泰办处” 长期故意使用这群傻到连狗的唾液口水进入人体会得狂犬病, 对人咳嗽会传播疾病全都不知道的人, 对我长期使用以上直接就可以害死人的方法进行难民资格鉴定, 仍然是在谋杀!
After the report was issued, the "Thai Office" even bite me with a more vicious dog, sent more people to cough at me, and installed secret theft software on my Internet cafe computer, which shamelessly prevented me from publishing this report. .
All the people around me who have frequent contacts with me are all under the control of the "Thai Office". Most of the people under the control of the "Taiwan Office" have killed me or masked me, and I have no contact with them at all. Natural communication environment. That's how the "Thai Office" has to transfer many people I often talk to them, and then slander me for not talking to people, and use their robber logic ("Thai Office" pryed open my house door and stole it. My money and mobile phone are robbers) and a lot of money from the UN refugee agency. Over the past two years, I cheated and bought thousands of people who coughed and spit on me.
I revealed that Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin actually controls the power of the country, and indeed controls Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang to perform the truth at the front desk to deceive the world (see "World Great Harmony-Party Building Call"), the CCP fears the world Knowing the truth, I want the world to think that I am a mad dog biting the CCP and spitting at the CCP. I think it's definitely the CCP officials who bought the "Thai Office" murdered me!
The UNHCR’s hardship application manual expressly states that “priority guarantee for refugees who are fleeing persecution”. Not only am I fleeing persecution, but I am also being persecuted. This time I went abroad to seek help and have been murdered by the CCP four times. However, I have been in Thailand for more than two and a half years. Not only can I still not go to the United States to implement my great plan, but I have been long-term murdered by the UNHCR Thailand Office.
As soon as I arrived in Thailand, I felt that some actions of the "Thai Office" were wrong, so I wrote to you on April 8, 2014 to reflect the relevant issues, but after the reflection, the "Thai Office" murdered me. More and more and more serious. Over the past two years or so, the "Thai Office" has carried on the banner of qualification appraisal of refugees, and has been unable to finish the murder of me for three days and three nights. Let me cite three examples that can directly kill people.
1. Stupid crowd
When I came to Thailand alone, I had difficulty in finding money. Not only was there a shortage of money, but I didn’t understand Thai and English. It was inconvenient for me to see a doctor when I was sick. Since December 2014, the "Thai Office" has directed a large number of people to cough at me. When I was eating, I sent people to sit next to me. I coughed at me for a long time and sent people to pretend to walk from me to me. Cough, sometimes seven or eight people cough at me every day. What's worse is that they deliberately find some people with serious diseases to spray saliva on me to spread the disease.
At 1pm on June 7, 2015, in the restaurant near my residence, I just finished eating and sat in the restaurant. I saw a long and very fat man. A fat man with serious illness walked past me. After a few minutes, the fat man turned back and coughed at me. No matter where I go, there are a large number of people tracking and monitoring. In the "Taiwan Office" in the restaurant, there are pinhole cameras and mobile phone cameras in front of and behind me to secretly record and record video and audio to four nearby laptop computers. The person who monitored me through the computer video noticed that I saw the fat man's expression, and then notified the person present. The person present at the UN hit UNHCR's signboard and bought it with money, asking the fat man to turn back and cough at me. I experienced many things that they used to direct operations in this way.
I was infected with the flu twice, the person was dizzy and had no strength, it was very uncomfortable (it may cause serious complications), but their frequent coughing behavior did not stop at all. A regular cough, a cough for more than a year, not only severely damaged my health, but also seriously threatened my life.
2. Crazy puppy
The employee of my work unit was bitten by a puppy, and I went to the hospital to get the rabies vaccine, but I still got rabies. When he was admitted to the hospital, the doctor said, "No rabies is a symptom. None of the people who came in survived the seventh day." The result really died on the seventh day.
Dogs, especially puppies, use their noses to kiss on their legs and feet, and their tongues lick on their legs and feet. If you have broken wounds on your legs or feet, the saliva of your dog may get rabies if the saliva enters the wound (dogs love to use their tongue Licking the nose). The weather in Thailand is very hot. I wear shorts and bare feet in herringbone foam bottom slippers all year round. There are many reasons for the frequent wounds on my legs and feet. Once a puppy leaned too close to me and I walked away. After this shot was taken by the people who monitored me every day at the "Taiwan Office", they all thought it was abnormal for me to avoid the puppy. We There are stray dogs everywhere, but they think these stray dogs don’t bite, and they specifically look for biting puppies.
There is a family living in room 5 on the first floor of my dormitory building. My mother is about 38 years old, my eldest daughter is about 17 years old, and my youngest daughter is about 12 years old. They all look good. At the beginning of 2015, the "Thai Office" used money to buy three mothers and daughters, and arranged for them to use their privacy to seduce me.
One day in October 2015, the "Taiwan Office" once again bought out her mother and daughter, and arranged for the mother and daughter (little daughter) to hold the puppies they specially found to bite and sit on the steps in front of our dormitory building. Go on, pretend to be cool and wait for me to come back. There is a one-meter-high step into our dormitory from the road, and there are a few steps up to the step. In the evening, I went home. Fortunately, when I walked slowly, I didn't walk up the steps completely. Suddenly a dog rushed from my right side to bite people, and rushed to the side of the ladder. Because there was a barrier on the side of the ladder, I was not lucky. Afterwards, they wanted to know the person who showed me the mobile video of the dog biting. I also reminded them, "If the dog bites, people will get rabies."
At 10pm on March 2, 2016, the "Taiwan Office" again arranged for the mother and daughter to take the biting puppy and sit on the steps in front of the door of our dormitory, pretending to be cool and waiting for me to return. This time when I came back from the outside, I walked up the stairs. Suddenly a dog came rushing from the back of my right, making the kind of biting sound. I didn’t even have time to look back. The right foot lifted quickly. The right foot felt the wind that the dog rushed to bite. If my right foot does not lift quickly, it may be bitten. This time, the dog was also led by the rope, but the rope was not only kept long, but was also held by the 12-year-old daughter.
3. The vicious trick
Here we have a kebab with bamboo sticks. The bamboo sticks are 15 cm long and have a very pointed end. Some people feed this kebab to dogs, some dogs eat this kebab and chew the whole meat in the mouth, and finally spit out the messy bamboo sticks on the ground, some dogs lick on the bamboo sticks Eat, and finally leave the meat on the ground with a bamboo stick. No matter what kind of eating method, bamboo sticks are covered with a lot of saliva of dogs. If you get stuck with this bamboo stick, you may get rabies. The principle is the same as that of dogs. The saliva entered the human body.
I wear herringbone foam-soled slippers barefoot all year round. Some areas of the foam bottom are worn very thin. If you step on and knock on this bamboo stick, you may get rabies if you break your foot. At 7 a.m. on March 30, 2016, near my residence, I stayed in front of the mall every morning and evening. I found a bamboo stick on the ground that was chewed by dogs, and I avoided the bamboo stick . In the evening, this bamboo stick appeared on the ground in front of the mall. Under natural circumstances, this is absolutely impossible. After the mall opened at 9 am, there were thousands of people entering and leaving during the day, which is obviously the "Thai Office" After the person who monitored me took the shot of my bamboo sticks every day, they all thought that this kind of bamboo stick was not harmful to people. I avoided this kind of bamboo stick because it was an abnormal problem, so they deliberately put this bamboo stick at night Placed on the ground in front of the mall.
After that, I saw these bamboo sticks on the ground in front of the mall for many days at about 7 am. Some of them were obviously chewed by dogs. At 7 a.m. on April 5, 2016, in front of the mall, a man about 50 years old fed bamboo skewers worn by bamboo sticks to dogs. The bamboo sticks were intentionally left on the ground and stared at me. Look. One hour later, I left the mall and walked on the path back home. I suddenly found a 15 cm long bamboo stick obliquely inserted in the expansion joint of the concrete pavement in front of my feet, and the very pointed end was 7 cm high from the road. , Right at my feet. If it were not for me to stumble upon this bamboo stick, this bamboo stick would stick into my feet.
This bamboo stick is definitely deliberately inserted by the "Thai Office": First, the time when the bamboo stick was inserted, it was the time that the "Thai Office" deliberately dropped the bamboo stick with dog saliva and saliva in the place where I stayed. . Secondly, bamboo sticks are inserted on the route I often take. Only those who monitor me for a long time know that they can pierce me here. Third, the direction in which the bamboo sticks are raised is perpendicular to the expansion joints of the concrete pavement on a line where people and vehicles travel, but the bamboo sticks are not damaged. The other side of the bamboo stick was covered with blood, but there was no dirt or dust. Fourth, the people in the "Taiwan Office" walked behind me with a pinhole camera. Are I afraid of this kind of bamboo stick when I secretly record video? When I was about to reach the bamboo sticks, a woman about 30 years old walked behind me with a small bag on her back. I walked over the bamboo sticks and turned around to see that she knew there were bamboo sticks on the ground. Behind me, I walked into Room 206 where I rented, and she walked into Room 205 next door to me. Room 205 is the only room that is separated from my house by a wall. Many things show that the "Thai Office" has not only rented Room 205, but also used wiretap to eavesdrop on my house. All of them are from the "Thai Office".
This bamboo stick full of blood was not only deliberately inserted by the "Thai Office", but also according to the situation that the "Thai Office" deliberately dropped the bamboo sticks with dog saliva and saliva in my place during this time. Not only many people have participated in the plan to insert bamboo sticks, but the bamboo stick full of blood is probably a bamboo stick with saliva.
After this incident until now, I often see a lot of bamboo sticks of this kind of kebab on the road I walk every day. Some of them are obviously chewed by dogs. Sometimes I see dogs eating bamboos in the middle of the road. Signed kebabs have never been seen before. At 8 am on May 17, 2016, I went home after breakfast and was on the ladder in front of the door of our dormitory building. I suddenly found a 25 cm long bamboo stick obliquely inserted on the ladder, and the end of the bamboo stick was lifted off. The road is 15 centimeters high, facing my feet. According to the "Thai Office", after 5 months, the dog was bitten again, and a large number of people were sent to cough me frequently. A cough is more than a year. The bamboo sticks are not only " The "Thai Office" was deliberately inserted, and the "Thai Office" will certainly continue to insert such bamboo sticks on my way.
In my opinion, the "Thai Office" has long used my method of directly killing people for refugee qualification evaluation, which is to find an excuse to murder! Or, the "Taiwan Office" has deliberately used this group of stupid people even for a long time to get rabies from the saliva of dogs. People who don’t know about coughing and spreading diseases can use it directly to kill people. The refugee qualification is still murder!
UN refugee agency
Wang Dalin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
Written on June 2, 2016 in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand
The following article uses the web software to translate the above text.
UN refugee agency Thailand office murdering refugees (1)-Jiang Zemin dictator
When I was playing this report online at an Internet cafe, the "Thai Office" sent someone to make a noise around me, so the report was not finished at that time. After that, the "Thai Office" installed all the Internet cafes around my residence to prevent me from playing. The procedure for Chinese characters, so the last time I sent a report was not finished.After the report was issued, the "Thai Office" even bite me with a more vicious dog, sent more people to cough at me, and installed secret theft software on my Internet cafe computer, which shamelessly prevented me from publishing this report. .
All the people around me who have frequent contacts with me are all under the control of the "Thai Office". Most of the people under the control of the "Taiwan Office" have killed me or masked me, and I have no contact with them at all. Natural communication environment. That's how the "Thai Office" has to transfer many people I often talk to them, and then slander me for not talking to people, and use their robber logic ("Thai Office" pryed open my house door and stole it. My money and mobile phone are robbers) and a lot of money from the UN refugee agency. Over the past two years, I cheated and bought thousands of people who coughed and spit on me.
I revealed that Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin actually controls the power of the country, and indeed controls Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang to perform the truth at the front desk to deceive the world (see "World Great Harmony-Party Building Call"), the CCP fears the world Knowing the truth, I want the world to think that I am a mad dog biting the CCP and spitting at the CCP. I think it's definitely the CCP officials who bought the "Thai Office" murdered me!
The UNHCR’s hardship application manual expressly states that “priority guarantee for refugees who are fleeing persecution”. Not only am I fleeing persecution, but I am also being persecuted. This time I went abroad to seek help and have been murdered by the CCP four times. However, I have been in Thailand for more than two and a half years. Not only can I still not go to the United States to implement my great plan, but I have been long-term murdered by the UNHCR Thailand Office.
As soon as I arrived in Thailand, I felt that some actions of the "Thai Office" were wrong, so I wrote to you on April 8, 2014 to reflect the relevant issues, but after the reflection, the "Thai Office" murdered me. More and more and more serious. Over the past two years or so, the "Thai Office" has carried on the banner of qualification appraisal of refugees, and has been unable to finish the murder of me for three days and three nights. Let me cite three examples that can directly kill people.
1. Stupid crowd
When I came to Thailand alone, I had difficulty in finding money. Not only was there a shortage of money, but I didn’t understand Thai and English. It was inconvenient for me to see a doctor when I was sick. Since December 2014, the "Thai Office" has directed a large number of people to cough at me. When I was eating, I sent people to sit next to me. I coughed at me for a long time and sent people to pretend to walk from me to me. Cough, sometimes seven or eight people cough at me every day. What's worse is that they deliberately find some people with serious diseases to spray saliva on me to spread the disease.
At 1pm on June 7, 2015, in the restaurant near my residence, I just finished eating and sat in the restaurant. I saw a long and very fat man. A fat man with serious illness walked past me. After a few minutes, the fat man turned back and coughed at me. No matter where I go, there are a large number of people tracking and monitoring. In the "Taiwan Office" in the restaurant, there are pinhole cameras and mobile phone cameras in front of and behind me to secretly record and record video and audio to four nearby laptop computers. The person who monitored me through the computer video noticed that I saw the fat man's expression, and then notified the person present. The person present at the UN hit UNHCR's signboard and bought it with money, asking the fat man to turn back and cough at me. I experienced many things that they used to direct operations in this way.
I was infected with the flu twice, the person was dizzy and had no strength, it was very uncomfortable (it may cause serious complications), but their frequent coughing behavior did not stop at all. A regular cough, a cough for more than a year, not only severely damaged my health, but also seriously threatened my life.
2. Crazy puppy
The employee of my work unit was bitten by a puppy, and I went to the hospital to get the rabies vaccine, but I still got rabies. When he was admitted to the hospital, the doctor said, "No rabies is a symptom. None of the people who came in survived the seventh day." The result really died on the seventh day.
Dogs, especially puppies, use their noses to kiss on their legs and feet, and their tongues lick on their legs and feet. If you have broken wounds on your legs or feet, the saliva of your dog may get rabies if the saliva enters the wound (dogs love to use their tongue Licking the nose). The weather in Thailand is very hot. I wear shorts and bare feet in herringbone foam bottom slippers all year round. There are many reasons for the frequent wounds on my legs and feet. Once a puppy leaned too close to me and I walked away. After this shot was taken by the people who monitored me every day at the "Taiwan Office", they all thought it was abnormal for me to avoid the puppy. We There are stray dogs everywhere, but they think these stray dogs don’t bite, and they specifically look for biting puppies.
There is a family living in room 5 on the first floor of my dormitory building. My mother is about 38 years old, my eldest daughter is about 17 years old, and my youngest daughter is about 12 years old. They all look good. At the beginning of 2015, the "Thai Office" used money to buy three mothers and daughters, and arranged for them to use their privacy to seduce me.
One day in October 2015, the "Taiwan Office" once again bought out her mother and daughter, and arranged for the mother and daughter (little daughter) to hold the puppies they specially found to bite and sit on the steps in front of our dormitory building. Go on, pretend to be cool and wait for me to come back. There is a one-meter-high step into our dormitory from the road, and there are a few steps up to the step. In the evening, I went home. Fortunately, when I walked slowly, I didn't walk up the steps completely. Suddenly a dog rushed from my right side to bite people, and rushed to the side of the ladder. Because there was a barrier on the side of the ladder, I was not lucky. Afterwards, they wanted to know the person who showed me the mobile video of the dog biting. I also reminded them, "If the dog bites, people will get rabies."
At 10pm on March 2, 2016, the "Taiwan Office" again arranged for the mother and daughter to take the biting puppy and sit on the steps in front of the door of our dormitory, pretending to be cool and waiting for me to return. This time when I came back from the outside, I walked up the stairs. Suddenly a dog came rushing from the back of my right, making the kind of biting sound. I didn’t even have time to look back. The right foot lifted quickly. The right foot felt the wind that the dog rushed to bite. If my right foot does not lift quickly, it may be bitten. This time, the dog was also led by the rope, but the rope was not only kept long, but was also held by the 12-year-old daughter.
3. The vicious trick
Here we have a kebab with bamboo sticks. The bamboo sticks are 15 cm long and have a very pointed end. Some people feed this kebab to dogs, some dogs eat this kebab and chew the whole meat in the mouth, and finally spit out the messy bamboo sticks on the ground, some dogs lick on the bamboo sticks Eat, and finally leave the meat on the ground with a bamboo stick. No matter what kind of eating method, bamboo sticks are covered with a lot of saliva of dogs. If you get stuck with this bamboo stick, you may get rabies. The principle is the same as that of dogs. The saliva entered the human body.
I wear herringbone foam-soled slippers barefoot all year round. Some areas of the foam bottom are worn very thin. If you step on and knock on this bamboo stick, you may get rabies if you break your foot. At 7 a.m. on March 30, 2016, near my residence, I stayed in front of the mall every morning and evening. I found a bamboo stick on the ground that was chewed by dogs, and I avoided the bamboo stick . In the evening, this bamboo stick appeared on the ground in front of the mall. Under natural circumstances, this is absolutely impossible. After the mall opened at 9 am, there were thousands of people entering and leaving during the day, which is obviously the "Thai Office" After the person who monitored me took the shot of my bamboo sticks every day, they all thought that this kind of bamboo stick was not harmful to people. I avoided this kind of bamboo stick because it was an abnormal problem, so they deliberately put this bamboo stick at night Placed on the ground in front of the mall.
After that, I saw these bamboo sticks on the ground in front of the mall for many days at about 7 am. Some of them were obviously chewed by dogs. At 7 a.m. on April 5, 2016, in front of the mall, a man about 50 years old fed bamboo skewers worn by bamboo sticks to dogs. The bamboo sticks were intentionally left on the ground and stared at me. Look. One hour later, I left the mall and walked on the path back home. I suddenly found a 15 cm long bamboo stick obliquely inserted in the expansion joint of the concrete pavement in front of my feet, and the very pointed end was 7 cm high from the road. , Right at my feet. If it were not for me to stumble upon this bamboo stick, this bamboo stick would stick into my feet.
This bamboo stick is definitely deliberately inserted by the "Thai Office": First, the time when the bamboo stick was inserted, it was the time that the "Thai Office" deliberately dropped the bamboo stick with dog saliva and saliva in the place where I stayed. . Secondly, bamboo sticks are inserted on the route I often take. Only those who monitor me for a long time know that they can pierce me here. Third, the direction in which the bamboo sticks are raised is perpendicular to the expansion joints of the concrete pavement on a line where people and vehicles travel, but the bamboo sticks are not damaged. The other side of the bamboo stick was covered with blood, but there was no dirt or dust. Fourth, the people in the "Taiwan Office" walked behind me with a pinhole camera. Are I afraid of this kind of bamboo stick when I secretly record video? When I was about to reach the bamboo sticks, a woman about 30 years old walked behind me with a small bag on her back. I walked over the bamboo sticks and turned around to see that she knew there were bamboo sticks on the ground. Behind me, I walked into Room 206 where I rented, and she walked into Room 205 next door to me. Room 205 is the only room that is separated from my house by a wall. Many things show that the "Thai Office" has not only rented Room 205, but also used wiretap to eavesdrop on my house. All of them are from the "Thai Office".
This bamboo stick full of blood was not only deliberately inserted by the "Thai Office", but also according to the situation that the "Thai Office" deliberately dropped the bamboo sticks with dog saliva and saliva in my place during this time. Not only many people have participated in the plan to insert bamboo sticks, but the bamboo stick full of blood is probably a bamboo stick with saliva.
After this incident until now, I often see a lot of bamboo sticks of this kind of kebab on the road I walk every day. Some of them are obviously chewed by dogs. Sometimes I see dogs eating bamboos in the middle of the road. Signed kebabs have never been seen before. At 8 am on May 17, 2016, I went home after breakfast and was on the ladder in front of the door of our dormitory building. I suddenly found a 25 cm long bamboo stick obliquely inserted on the ladder, and the end of the bamboo stick was lifted off. The road is 15 centimeters high, facing my feet. According to the "Thai Office", after 5 months, the dog was bitten again, and a large number of people were sent to cough me frequently. A cough is more than a year. The bamboo sticks are not only " The "Thai Office" was deliberately inserted, and the "Thai Office" will certainly continue to insert such bamboo sticks on my way.
In my opinion, the "Thai Office" has long used my method of directly killing people for refugee qualification evaluation, which is to find an excuse to murder! Or, the "Taiwan Office" has deliberately used this group of stupid people even for a long time to get rabies from the saliva of dogs. People who don’t know about coughing and spreading diseases can use it directly to kill people. The refugee qualification is still murder!
UN refugee agency
Wang Dalin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
Written on June 2, 2016 in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand